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Down to Earth Tips About Pursuing Volume Discounts

PUrsuing Volume Discounts for home builders.png

If you remember Robert Fulghum’s musings about how to get along in the world and the line, “All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten,” you might also remember that one of the key bits of advice was “When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.”

Are you wondering what that has to do with volume pricing?

It’s simple: If many companies (or people) pool their buying power, the chances are good that everyone will benefit from lower prices. It may be difficult to negotiate a volume discount rate when you purchase a single item or only a few of a kind. But, when you order case lots, or thousands of the same item, a building product manufacturer is much more likely to want your business, offer better service and agree to a price reduction. That, after all, is good business.

It’s the way of the world.

And it’s true throughout the supply chain, for nails and screws, wire spools and lighting fixtures, widgets and 2X4s. That’s where Aterra can help home builders and electrical contractors. Even volume builders might not be able to qualify for pertinent discounts on all the separate lighting design items that go into making a finished house.

Electricians who respond to individual buyer preferences often find themselves in the position of having to buy one-of-a-kind fixtures and custom fittings for a single home. That sort of service comes with a price tag.

But by working in partnership with Aterra to gain the advantages offered by simplifying the selection, specification and ordering process between client and builder, everyone also benefits from the volume pricing and special training offered by carefully-selected suppliers. We pass along the savings and the “feel good” relationships that we continue to nurture. Because of the continuing beneficial contractor discounts throughout the supply chain, we offer added benefit not only for the electrical contractor and the builder, but also for the client.

Partnerships are good business.

The idea of cooperative buying is not new. In fact, the product partnerships that we now embrace are based on those familiar hand-holding concepts that we all learned in kindergarten. “Share everything.” It’s basic good sense, and it makes for good business. Sharing is emphasized in the community of five-year-olds. Too bad it’s often forgotten as we grow older and learn to compete in business.

But once related businesses realize the benefits of volume discounts, it’s hard to go back to the old ways. Everyone wins. Rather than trying to chase those special deals on your own, why not band together, form partnerships, and take advantage of the time and dollar savings, as well as the boost in customer satisfaction, that go along with those “hand-holding” relationships.

The ability to develop beneficial relationships is not only good for business, it is the basis of good business.

We think it’s smart and logical.

And we plan to keep on sharing — our knowledge, our expertise, our professional relationships, and our volume discounts. We learned our early lessons well. Those practices make a difference in our business and for our business. And we’ll help you make a difference as well, when you allow us to act as liaison between your home buyers, your staff and your electrical contractor.

It’s the kind of partnership Aterra values.